Monday, April 14, 2008

Viva Stereotypes!

So I watched the first episode of VH1's Viva Hollywood last night and boy is my culture offended! First off, after some thought, the title is incorrect. The only big success story from the telenovela scene is Salma Hayek, according to ma dukes. Even the Golden Girl host of VH, Maria Conchita Alonso, had mild success in the States. It’s a pipe dream.

On to the show; I believe 10 out of the 12 contestants had accents and yes walking stereotypes (word to Chingo Bling, Charo). This one cat named Berto, after telling the camera he’d lay pipe to Maria’s cobwebby Conchita, says he’s been with his girl for 10 years. He also says he’s a very sexual person. Then later that night he proceeds to swap bodily fluids with some chick named Gisel. Ahhh that’s why he doesn’t marry his girl because he a Latin Lover! Oh it doesn’t stop there! When voting contestants off, they must go into “the chapel” and use a tarot card “La Muerte” to cast their vote. Christianity and Santeria! Oh joy! There’s more but the racism is just killing me inside (word to Chappelle). Now I understand when my homes Carl told me he couldn’t stand to watch an I Love New York episode. I thought it was hilarious; he just thought it was sad. What did you think of the first episode?




Carl Chery said...

I saw a few minutes of it. I didn't bother watching cause I caught the middle and figured I wouldn't know what the hell was going on. What the hell is the show about anyway?

Curly Sue said...

OMG I watched it and cringed. Especially when the Mexican chick said "My Grommy" sigh. It's as bad as I expected from VH1.

Anonymous said...

Man...They set Latino's back 20 years w/ that. I figure, at 20 years times 10 episodes, the Latin community will still be up by 200 years on us negros.