Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Axis of Evil: Gossip Girl, The Hills & 90210

TV is rotting my wife’s brain. Mine too, yes, but I tend to watch more than just one type of genre. Even though she enjoys watching documentaries and NY Met games (not really) with me she is fan of privileged TV. Meaning she likes to watch the Axis of Evil: Gossip Girl, The Hills and now the new 90210. While we’re on the subject of 90210, what’s so “new” about it? Just because you add iPods and an Afro-Latino (Tristan Wilds) doesn’t make it “new.”

I come home last night and she's entrenched in 90210 which luckily had a two-hour series premiere. Oh joy! The night before she was watching GG and this past weekend The Hills were whoring it up on MTV. Aside from the fact that these shows perpetuate the power of the almighty dollar they are all three the same exact program. They all feature privileged trust fund kids who bang at will and fall ass backwards into great jobs. Alas, the wife will continue to watch her favorite shows; just don’t bother me while I watch my Diddy TV. Hey, I did say my brain was rotting also. What are some of your guilty pleasure shows?




Unknown said...

is dude supposed to be afro-latino? i missed that! i watched 90210 last night and was disappointed. all that hype for NADA!

Angela Clemmons said...

okay, i will NOT watch any of those axis of evil shows, but i get sucked into "The Two Corys" every time... which then leads me straight into the dungeon of hell that is Gene Simmons' "Family Jewels"

and i love every minute of it. said...

These shows are the giving the world herpes.