I try not to believe in stereotypes but when it comes to some NY Yankee fans it's hard not to. The wife scored some great seats to this past Saturday's game against Toronto. As an avid Mets fan I never gave two shits about the Bronx stadium but with this being its last year I had to touch down before it was gone. Before I went I mentioned it to Tony G. AKA my former boss AKA my mentor AKA my white papa, pause, and he offered some precautionary words of advice. Yankee fans are butt plugs, he said, or something to that effect. I've heard that before but I thought he was just saying that because he’s an orange and blue man himself.
I hate to be wrong. We get to Yankee Stadium it was, yes, great seats but unfortunately we had a dbag couple right behind us. It was the first inning and they were already drunk.
Drunken Girl: "If I wasn't here with you it would mean nothing."
Drunken Guy: "It would be fine with me...Hey Johnnnnnny!"
Drunken Girl: "The biggest problem we have is that you want a big wedding and I want something intimate."
Drunken Guy: "Hey Deeeeeerrrrrrrrrreeeekkkk!"
Drunken Girl: "But if you want a big wedding that's what we'll do."
Drunken Guy: "Who said we were getting married? Hey Aaaallllleeeeeexxxxx!"

And on and on. We couldn't take it anymore and we bounced by the bottom of the third inning. I had walked the hall where baseball (and Fania) legends once roamed and I will never set foot on it again. I might be bias because of my Mr. Met stuffed animal, pause, in the back of my car but who do you think are generally bigger anuses (pause): Mets or Yankees fans?