Monday, January 5, 2009

Latinos Gets No Love in ‘The Real World’

I’m an avid Real World watcher. In my early 20s I would identify with some of the cast mates but now as a full blown adult I enjoy poking fun at them. It’s pure entertainment. Yet in the 20 seasons and counting and the over 100 cast mates their have only been around nine Latinos on the show. See below for the breakdown.

: Irene was a cop. The cowboy virgin developed a crush on here.

San Francisco: Rachel was Cuban and *shock* a Republican from Arizona. She frenched Puck, yes, that Puck.

Pedro: Became a sign of the times and inspiration to millions…ain’t nothing wrong with that. R.I.P.

Miami: Melissa is Cuban (hey it’s Miami!) and had a threesome in the house.

Philadelphia: Willie was a gay Puerto Rock who was on Ghostwriter.

Austin: Johanna is Peruvian, pretty cute except for her overbite. Dated Wes. UGGH!

Key West: Jose: It took over 10 years just to get a Jose on the show. Where is MTV looking!?

Sydney: Didn’t watch this one but apparently there was a Latina on the cast.

Brooklyn: J.D. is a gay dude who works as a dolphin trainer.

Now out of the 9 Latinos on the show three were gay, not that there’s anything wrong with that, at least three were Cuban and one made out with Puck. Latinos are presently the largest minority group in the States yet we gets no love on the Real World. Maybe it’s a good thing we don’t always make the cut. When was the last time anyone on RW made you feel proud. That’s real.




Carl Chery said...

Blacks have had representation, even a mostly black cast the last season, but they're always lame. I wouldn't wanna hang out with one of them -minus Coral of course. They don't want me on the show either. I'm too normal.

Jessica Rodriguez said...

I totally agree with you. As a Real World junkie (until right after Hawaii or was it NY 2? I forget...) nothing incensed me more than to see the lack of our peeps on screen. In fact, I was thisclose to actually submitting a tape so I could get on and rep for our gente until I realized I was NOT the one to live my life in the public eye. Pero, ya basta! It's 2009 dude! When are we gonna get some folks in there?

And actually you got it mixed up. Rachel in San Fran was Mexican American and still, no gasp, that she was Republican. Pedro was Cuban, a Marielito in fact, and rep'd hard for his cultures (LGBT and Latino).